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REEDSMITH : legal issues in impact investing

AMP Avocat

Alissa Pelatan, fondateur et associée chez AMP Avocat, fut ravie de participer à la conférence REEDSMITH pour parler des sujets juridiques concernant l'investissement d'impact (impact investing) aux Etats-Unis et à l'étranger.

Alissa Pelatan, founder and partner at AMP Avocat, was delighted to participate in the REEDSMITH conference to talk about the legal issues related to impact investing in the US and abroad.

Themes and Panels :

Policy and Regulation of Impact Investing • Emerging World of Materiality and Disclosure : Metrics & Impact Integration • Recent Regulatory Developments : ERISA, PRI & MRI Revised Guidance

Legal Issues for Social Enterprises • Public Benefit Reporting Standards and Compliance • Tandem Structures for Social Enterprise : A Two-Way Street

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